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Kick-off meeting


On 26 and 27 May 2021, the NDC ASPECTS consortium met for a two-day virtual Kick-off meeting. The meeting was an excellent opportunity for all team members to meet each other and extensively discuss the project and the challenging first steps.

On the first day, work package leaders gave an overview of the tasks planned within the project, while Frederik Accoe (CINEA) and Miles Perry (DG-CLIMA) reflected on project management topics and requirements from the EU as well as on the relevance of NDC ASPECTS to the EU climate targets. Additionally, international members of the NDC ASPECTS consortium commented on recent developments in climate policy in the US, China, India, and South Africa. The second day started with an update on the latest opportunities and challenges in the four sectors that NDC ASPECTS focuses on (industry, buildings, AFOLU, and transport), followed by a more detailed discussion on the initial tasks of each work package and closing with a synthesis of cross-cutting issues and next steps.